Ideals of meditation precede meditation
and I fail to achieve my ideals
although I have sat
in Zazen, at least daily, for 30 years

Pain and sensations usually don't bother me
but my mind, in awakening to its memory
of wandering daydreaming, brings remorse and anger
at my repeated failures, violating my ideals.

The "I" that daydreams, and has ideals
is small and imagined, a part of ego
yet that "I" is linked to the angst of failed ideals
connecting to my unconscious frustration and anger.

In Zazen meditation, distractions
challenge the paradox of "no center"
"I" apparent through distractions, and things
still being energy power emptiness openness and light.

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Basic Buddhist guidelines are listed in my Buddhism in a Nutshell

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