Intelligence's Extremes

Intelligence's Extremes

Intelligence may fall between two extremes:

In a narrow sense, as we objectify and use information
that can be coded and processed by us, and by computers, and

In the larger sense, as God, evolution, nature, and man decide
for example, what is to be born when, and grow according to which laws.

Narrow sense intelligence provably results in better decisions, and actions
if objectives and purpose are also given, and "better" is defined mathematically
given the available information, with probabilistic encoding of its uncertainties.

Althought in the narrow sense, information and intelligence are synonyms
in the context of the metamathematics of computation and information
in the larger context humans sense, feel, appreciate in ways that are not coded.

Intelligence in humans is not necessarily directed toward purposes
such as satisfying needs or desires, or looking toward objectives;
instead appreciation and compassion are part of knowing
and our experiences of awe and reverence distinguish life from a marketplace.

Ignorance increases as life is less human, less advanced
and when life willfully and perhaps cruelly
does not consider much of what is important.

The extremes of intelligence are part of life,
but intelligence seems more suited to the larger sense
that touches the sacredness and holiness of life, and of being.

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