Original Sin
Born with no idea of self
after months in open-minded awareness
we eventually reach the startling realization
"I am"!
Ego development follows, embracing language
developing concepts of oneself and others
with many levels of nonverbal conditioning
that become more unconscious as we "grow up".
As one grows, language developes
with the subject of thought, I, implicit
according to Superego's idealistic demands,
and Ego's understanding of how to get what Id wants, Mine!
Realization of separateness, "I am",
channels understanding through self-centered realities
confined by experience, particularly neurosis,
and by fear, greed, anger, and delusion.
Social conditioning conceals Ego and Id
even from oneself.
We only pretend to understand and believe
that we are not the center of the universe.
Each being's first realization of separateness
is in part a mistake, called by some original sin.
Basic Buddhist guidelines are listed in my Buddhism in a Nutshell
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