Dharma Talks by Toku Ho (Cliff) at Jikoji

December 29 2019, Six Paths into Zazen,

January 27, 2019, Evolution of Emotions -- Why Buddhism is True.

May 27, 2018, Emptiness, and Embodied Zen Practice.

August 27, 2017, Minding Mind, and Zazen

March 5, 2017, The Heart of Zazen

August 28, 2016, Enlightenment

May 29, 2016, Becoming Zazen

May 24 2015, Faith, Hope, and Love

October 19, 2014, Dogen, and The Point of Zazen

October 12, 2014, The Point of Zazen

May 25 2014, Stories, Singularities, and Zen: Dying, Death, and Practice

October 27, 2013, Mindfulness, Presence, and the Jhanas

November 4, 2012, Basic Principles

June 17 2012, Sutras as guidelines for Shikantaza

April 22 2012, Thinking and Breathing with Mindfulness, Toward Shikantaza

October 2011, Confidence, Faith and Shikantaza

September 2011, Checklist for Zen and Zazen

January 2011, Awakening Mind

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